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Details determine success or failure

2024-02-05 14:40:47

"Details determine success or failure." But do you truly believe that your consumers are aware of all the things you take care of? 

In actuality, some of the information we focus on are from our own viewpoint. What do we anticipate our clients' opinions to be? Actually, there are situations when some of the things we care about may not matter to our consumers.


Shop window

As the facade of a store, the display window is always the first thing customers see. A good-looking display window can attract customers to stop close, and a good-looking display window can also attract customers to enter the store. The difference between the two lies in whether the details of our windows are in place.

1. First of all, the models in the window must be uniform in color, material, and clothing style. Because unsociable models will only create an abrupt feeling in the window that "stands out from the crowd", and will also prevent customers from accurately understanding the theme of the store, which will directly affect their entry into the store;

2. Secondly, the window glass should be kept clean. As the facade of our store, cleanliness is often more important than good-looking. Especially in our shops along the street, the windows are easy to accumulate dust, so we must pay attention to daily cleaning;

3. Props need to be maintained and updated in time. Good props, such as mannequins in clothing stores, can bring eye-catching effects to the display, but bad props can also destroy the overall atmosphere. Therefore, the props in the display window should also be updated in time according to the overall style;



 1. The matching of models should be as comprehensive as possible. You can use bags, shoes, hats, jewelry, etc. to decorate models, which can greatly drive product association and directly increase the association rate;

 2. For the clothing worn by the model, corresponding items must be placed nearby. In this way, it is convenient for customers to pick up goods quickly and improve the shopping experience;

 3. There needs to be a certain correlation between the clothing on the model and the nearby products. Even if there are no products of the same style, make sure the style, color, category, etc. are similar, and do not let the model stand alone;

 4. The model’s posture does not need to be too stiff. The more casual the model's posture is, the more relaxed and immersive it will be for customers, and the demand for clothing will increase accordingly;


Fitting room

Customers pick and try on the clothing they want as soon as they walk into the store, walk by the island, and study the walls. At this point, the likelihood of ordering is frequently determined by the fitting room's details.

1. Privacy is the most fundamental and significant feature of a fitting room. An important point to note in this business is that consumers are more likely to be favorably inclined the more private the fitting room is;

2. To allow consumers to stretch out throughout the fitting procedure, the fitting room's area should not be less than 1.5 square meters. Conditions permitting, the area can be suitably increased;

3. Essential furnishings in the changing area include hangers, slippers, and stools. Additionally, to prevent uncomfortable circumstances brought on by ignorant consumers, signage on the lintel such as "fitting room," "occupied," and "unoccupied" should be visible and unambiguous;

4. The changing area needs to be tidy, odor-free, and debris-free, with fast ventilation.