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Clothing and accessories

2023-09-18 11:09:22

The perfect match of clothing and accessories is not only a visual art, but also a tactile art. Many international first-line clothing brands attach great importance to the collocation of clothing and accessories, and pay attention to the maintenance of brand taste and style display through the overall matching design of clothing.


Whether it is private label or everyday wear, if the designer wants to pay attention to the style of their own taste, do not neglect the small accessories! Accessories are a visual message that cannot be ignored in the overall effect of clothing.


Accessories are accessories that are attached to the body in addition to the clothing, such as rings, necklaces, earrings... As big as belts, hats, shoes and bags, there are also other personal items and sports equipment that can be used as accompanying matches, and the mannequin complements him. Today, the production and sale of clothing accessories has become an indispensable part of the fashion industry. mannequin looks great with necklaces and jewelry.


To say the origin of accessories, it must be traced back to the era of Homo sapiens, 320,000 years ago, relative to cover the body of the "clothing" (leaves and hides), Homo sapiens seem to care more about the accessories, they are keen to decorate themselves with stones, bones and shells, and some will use natural mineral colors to dye the jewelry mannequin is the first choice for showcasing accessories.


Nowadays, accessories have become an indispensable part of clothing collocation. Designers are paying more and more attention to the integration of clothing and accessories. With the development of The Times, more and more diverse, in addition to the accessories on our body as a single product, we should pay attention to the coordination and practicality of the overall style.


Accessories play a pivotal role in the overall image, some decorations of color and shape, decorative parts, will not only make up for the lack of clothing design, but also give people a refreshing feeling, now accessories have become an indispensable fashion design method.