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Mannequins--enhancing the retail experience

2018-08-29 12:11:35



Since many years mannequins have been used as a valuable tool in apparel retail business. When the clothes are displayed at the store using the mannequins, the customer can analyze all the aspects of the garment before entering the store. If the mannequins are able to impress the customers with their beauty and the clothes they wear, it becomes very easy for the retailer to sell his merchandise.


When mannequins are such important tools of retail business, there are some points to be considered while selecting a mannequin. Firstly, they should not be heavy. Their shape and size should gel with the clothes they will drape. The clothes must be well fitted on the mannequin. They must look pretty and must not be dirty with stains. Lastly, the clothes should be changed at regular intervals and they must be relevant with the season and trends.


Moreover, mannequins are not only responsible to sell the clothes they wear but other products are also sold due to them. For example along with a dress, its accessories will be sold as they complement the dress very well. Mannequins display what kind of collection do the stores have and what can the store deliver to the customer. They sometimes become a guiding light to a particular area of the store as they are the most evident thing in a store.


Nowadays, mannequins have become an important aspect of the interior design of the store. They enhance the ambience and traits of the store. Moreover, the way the mannequins are dressed and presented tells what type of clothes and customers the store will accommodate. The faade of the mannequins must add the zest that customer looks for; in a store.


Mannequins are the creation of skilled sculptors who give life to them through their work. At present various types of mannequins with different postures are available in the market. In apparel business, mannequins in form of men, women and children are usually employed. Moreover, there are mannequins in form of head alone or headless or just the upper body. It can be used depending on the need of the retail store.


Mannequins which can be inflated are also found in the market. Using mannequins with glass eyes, expressive faces, real hair are in fashion. Apart from using wigs, hairstyles are also carved on the mannequins when they are made. Moreover, they are also available with different shades of skin. These effects and additions make the mannequins look and feel humanlike.