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Is your device working well?

2023-04-11 12:07:14

A excellent display is the only one that can boost efficiency.

Although appearance is essential, an exhibit like this is useless if it cannot increase sales.

Even scarier, some shops may not even be aware that they are advertising faulty goods! Mr. Chen will now explain two methods for you to independently verify the show.

1. Examine based on individual product sales data

We ought to conduct an evaluation and summary action after each show. The first step is to create a cycle-based overview for each offering. For instance, we can print out a single-item sales list from the checkout database at the cash register and sort them by amount sold to get a list of the single-item sales for a one-week or one-month time.


This list enables us to grasp the most popular fashions in our shop, plainly. Which are the least popular? The matching equation:

Best-seller equals primary campaign?

If so, congrats—this exhibit is successful! If not, sadly, we still need to modify our show!

2. Verify area revenue figures.

The second stage entails using the list to determine where in the shop each object should be placed.

a. Where in the shop are the top five bestsellers on the list? Is that the primary location for promotion?

b. What percentage of the items in the store's primary promotion section go toward the sales list?

c. Do other public spaces have any top sellers?

d. Where in the shop is the one item that has a low sales performance?


You can roughly determine which area and which wall the high-selling products in our store originate from based on the list and the store's location. Does the primary location for marketing draw customers and increase sales? If product sales in your store's Nakajima area or in the vicinity of the VP point are below average, ineffective sales advertising is taking place there. We must ascertain the cause so that we can swiftly adapt.

You will receive a thorough information feedback form after reviewing the aforementioned two self-inspection techniques, and you will be able to instinctively determine whether there is a connection between the display you created and the end performance outcomes, as well as whether the current display is functional. Increase sales to encourage purchases!