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How to decorate the window

2023-01-31 14:19:37

1. Bold as brass

Don't be timid. Be bold and innovative. This is your chance to become eccentric, flamboyant, pompous and energetic. Using large objects or eye-catching props and bright color palettes can help. "I think we should encourage and motivate," Sian commented. "This is also about being brave and seizing opportunities." There is a good line between "wow" and "super high", so try to keep it simple. If it doesn't match your brand style, you can still attract people's attention - use monochrome color scheme, have elegant antique props, or minimalist style, and only add one or two key products in the window.


2. Keep it clean

Don't make your window look like Grandma's cabinet. Too many items in the window may make people feel overwhelmed and prevent people from coming in, because they worry that your store interior looks more like a box than a chic retail space. In addition, make sure your windows are clean, because you don't want to spend time installing window space, just to let dust cover it. Make sure the street space outside your window is also regularly cleaned - cigarette butts, beer cans and shopping bags next door will only look sloppy. "Standards are the key; a well-designed, styled and decorated window is the eye of your shop - poor implementation destroys the soul."


3. Shake it up

Always rotate and change the display. Shopping trends are synonymous with social trends, so you need to make sure you stay relevant. Sian said: "In our Oxford Circus Store, we hope to update the window scheme every three weeks, although they will appear more frequently in the global press conference. We update the shapes in our window once a week, although the team is very sensitive to the weather/trends, so this situation will sometimes be more frequent.", For smaller brands with a low budget or a short stay in their space, at least once every two months should be enough to keep your space fresh.
