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Is your display effective?

2023-01-03 16:50:55

Only the display that can improve performance is a good display!
It is important to look good, but if it cannot promote sales, such a display is equivalent to an invalid display!
What's even more frightening is that some stores don't even know if they are displaying invalid products! So today Mr. Chen will tell you two ways to check the display by yourself.
1. Check according to the sales results of single products
After each display, we should have a review and summary behavior. The first is to formulate a summary for individual products based on a cycle. For example, in a one-week or one-month period, we can print out a single-item sales list in the checkout database at the cash register, and arrange them in order according to the quantity sold, to get a list of the single-item sales.
According to this list, we can clearly understand what are the best-selling styles in our store? Which ones are the worst sellers? The corresponding equation:
Best-seller = main promotion?
If so, congratulations, this display is effective! If not, unfortunately, our display still needs to be adjusted!
2. Check against regional sales results
In the second step, we need to find the location where each item should correspond to in the store based on the list:
a. Where are the top 5 items on the best-selling list located in the store? Is it the main promotion area?
b. How many of the products in the main promotion area of the store account for the sales list?
c. Are there any best sellers in other common areas?
d. Where is the single product with poor sales results located in the store?
According to the combination of the list and the location of the store, you can basically know which area and which wall the high-selling items in our store come from. Does the main promotion area attract the attention of the products and promote sales? If the sales of products in the Nakajima area or around the VP point in your store are mediocre, it means that the promotion of sales in the main promotion area is not effective! We have to find out the reason and adjust in time.
After summarizing the above two self-inspection methods, you will get a comprehensive information feedback form, and you can intuitively see whether there is a relationship between the display you made and the final performance results, and whether the current display can work. To promote sales, increase sales!