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Display method of medium and high price products

2022-07-28 15:46:40


1) Display on models, pay attention to good matching

Mid- to high-end products should focus on their value, such as coats and fabrics..

Therefore, we recommend using model display, not only the product will be more easily noticed by customers, but also the try-on effect will be much better than hanging.

You can set PP and VP points in the back yard of the store to highlight the display. Note that the single products should also be displayed nearby. This way, one can attract customers to the backcourt, and the other can also facilitate customers to get the models' models.


Then pay attention to collocation, which can add value to the product.Adding scarves, hats and other accessories to the full set of models may become the finishing touch of the model, making the whole look more texture and more expensive, and may also increase the rate of connection.


2) Put mannequins or hanging on shelves

Because these products are displayed in the backyard, but customers do not necessarily go to the end, we can use the space above the shelves to put models and hanging them to attract customers to go in.

Corresponding items should also be displayed under the shelf for customers to try on.
