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Autumn and Winter Color Display Techniques

2022-01-24 16:21:40

1. Keyboard type

Bear the brunt of the side hanging in the store. In the side hanging, the keyboard display is the best display method to break the dull atmosphere and add dynamic to the store. Using the dark-light-dark-light interval display of clothing colors, it looks like a piano key with a sense of rhythm, and the customer's visual perception will be very comfortable.

As for the relatively thick autumn and winter models, Chen Jun suggested that when the keys are displayed, the distance between them is just right.

At the same time, pay attention to the interval. In autumn, the interval between hangers is 10-12cm, and in winter, it is 16-18cm.


2. Show advanced gradient

The keyboard style gives the side mount a dynamic, and the gradient style adds a premium feel to the side mount. Generally, when doing gradient display, it is recommended to start from people's visual habits, from left to right, from shallow to deep.

Since the colors of autumn and winter clothes are relatively not so rich, we can also group clothes of the same color together and display them in a gradual manner, for example, from light brown to dark brown, which will highlight the texture of the overall color. It will also be very neat.


3. Laminate, stacking and side hanging echo

In addition to clothing, the laminate display also has a careful machine. In fact, we can still display accessories, bags or models of the same color on the laminates that are ignored by many clothing stores, and can also echo the clothes hanging on the side.

At the same time, when the store's thinner interiors and some summer stock models are stacked, they can also echo the side-hanging clothes, giving customers more possibilities.