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The initial limitations of mannequin to the current evolution

2019-12-26 09:23:22

mannequin have always been a key factor in store design, and exploring how to use them to represent more elements is also crucial. For many years, mannequin have surpassed the existence of static objects and added real value to brand information.

Therefore, more and more brands are beginning to challenge traditional mannequin, so that their terminal store design stands out and presents different elements.


In today's era, each brand chooses individual elements and customizes interesting models to showcase their products. This not only allows consumers to remember their unique brand culture, but also effectively attracts the attention of the guests to the goods.

The most striking aspect of the evolution of mannequin is their ability to convey more information. In particular, realistic mannequin can not only represent and relate to consumers more accurately, but also convey powerful information about store personality, diversity and inclusiveness


The manenquins show a range of different men's daily leisure moves, showing that these models can be 100% fit with real people.

The series achieves the goal of individualized awareness through 3D sculptures and realistic characters. These models are lifelike and may be mistaken for real people, but each model has its own unique identity.

Sport mannequin

Sportswear is currently a lucrative industry with no signs of slowing down. Therefore, how sportswear is presented to consumers will affect its sales. “Active” model props can really help the brand to “live” in physical and symbolic sense.


The female mannequin series shown above is paired with yoga costumes, and a variety of rich postures are arranged to make the yoga sisters impressed at a glance. This not only proves that the model props can be as flexible and sexy as human beings, and more importantly, it subverts people's preconceptions, that is, the mannequin are human figures with certain activities.
