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mannequins express love for you in a special way

2019-10-22 14:03:58

mannequins express love for you in a special waymannequins express love for you in a special way.Using good shop windows, we all know that good windows can tell a story, create a scene, create a mood, and show a theme, and the basis of these is how to tap the deep feelings, expectations and moods of customers.

For couples of men and women mannequin to wear lover suits, the position and posture of the mannequin is very important, showing the atmosphere of love for couples, let the lovers stop and appreciate this feeling.In special festivals, many people will want to appear in the most beautiful posture in front of the beloved ones, choose the same mannequin, with sexy clothes, show a story like this, will let the customer stay, see the mannequin think of yourself? Using the intimate interactive posture of male and female mannequin, I think those single male and female customers will certainly make waves, and the heart will accept it silently , when they see such a window display .Some single young female customers have the idea that they are so troubled by the singles, I have to go out by myself. If she sees this independent, beautiful mannequin. Will it stimulate personal emotions into store consumption?\\