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Your store should be new product when spring is coming

2018-03-05 18:00:25

Your store should be new product when spring is coming.

After experiencing a long and cold winter, we finally got the footsteps of spring. We also need to take off the heavy equipment and push the door open to embrace the natural vitality of nature.

Well, outdoor sports are necessary, whether children or adults want to play outdoors on weekends. Playing a scooter is becoming more and more popular type of exercise. With the scooter upgrading, it is not only satisfied with children’s entertainment but also a convenient means of transport, a stylish and health lifestyle. So it has been favored and caught attention of the businessmen.

AFELLOW is a company of can exclusive customization mannequin, when the customer find us and want to do custom scooter mannequins for them is also satisfied our company has the strength to make such a product. Although this is also a challenge for our AFELLOW, we are happy to accept this challenge. First of all, by our professional technical staff to use 3D printing technology out of the rough drawings, after the initial confirmation of customers and put forward their suggestions for improvement, then by our technical staff to make the appropriate improvements to customer satisfaction, after that issued to the production factory according to the drawings began to open the mold for production, finally processed into finished products.

The first step:


The second step



The third step


They are very satisfaction when the customers saw the final products because this is the mannequin they need at the show, in order to create a realistic image to increase their sales of scooter. Of course, our AFELLOW products of the mannequins will never let customers down. For our mannequins the custom scooter mannequin customers at the show got a great success, got a lot of visitors appreciate the eyes of their scooters also increased the number of orders.


Spring is coming, do you want your store to change style and add to some new products? AFELLOW is here waiting for youif you need a mannequin to call us quickly.