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How to create an overall atmosphere through color to stimulate consumer

2021-01-18 14:33:31

Dark colors give people a heavy feeling, light colors give people a light feeling. The changes in purity and brightness give the impression of soft and hard colors. For example, light bright colors make people feel soft, while dark pure colors have a strong feel.
1.  Adjacent color contrast
Any three adjacent colors on the color circle are called adjacent colors. If the hue is similar, the nature of the cold and warm is the same, the tone will have a unified and harmonious feeling, and the emotions will also have the same characteristics.
2. Complementary color contrast
In the hue circle, the opposite (180 degree diagonal) color of each color is called the complementary color of the other side, and is also the color group with the strongest contrast. Such as red and black, yellow and purple, red and cyan.
3.  Contrast color contrast
If you want to look for three colors, two of which are similar to each other, you can choose the adjacent colors on both sides of the complementary color, and the other is in contrast to them, giving a sense of contrast.
The balance of store colors can give customers a good impression, better attract customers’ attention, and stimulate potential purchase desires; at the same time, the combination of cold and warm colors can create a sense of fashion and comfort as a whole, and give customers a comfortable and free Shopping environment.